Thursday, March 19, 2009

The World At Your Feet

The world's in a deep slumber,
Every man's a trivial number,
The sleep is cozy..perhaps, too snug?
Can you peep out through your old rug?

The world's in a frenzy monotony,
Every man's a working zombie,
The job's secure..perhaps, too secure?
Can you be an innovation entrepreneur?

The world's a relational complexity,
Every man's in emotional perplexity,
Your friend's reliable..perhaps, too honest?
Can you stay alone in this Earthly nest?

The world's a rulebook fiend,
Every man's actions are screened,
The rules are ideal..perhaps, too less flaws?
Can you break these omnipotent laws?

The world's a censorious mirror,
Every man's character becomes clearer,
The mirror's true..perhaps, too true?
Can you discard their "reflecting you"?

You are a unique treasure, a shining jewel,
The intentions of the mighty oppressors are cruel,
The world's a monstrous racket, a smiling cheat,
Stand up to it..Oh! capture your rightful seat.

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