Thursday, March 19, 2009


Reflecting back on my stormy past
On a life considering me an outcast,
A lone tear splashes on the floor below,
Paving the way for a subsequent turbid flow.

Living on a platter for hungry wolves,
Scavenging on my sacrificial groove,
Squashing my depleted, withering self-esteem,
Devouring incessantly my heartfelt dreams.

Living in a forest of myriad oppressors,
Leaving me in dire straits, a stress possessor,
Becoming a victim of my own rectitude,
But..too incapacitated to change my attitude.

Living on a base of umpteen false assertions,
Accepting lies in truths with perfection,
Comforting myself with a mirage of infinite bliss,
Innately pushing myself into a depressive abyss.

Living in a sea of endless hope,
Floating afloat by the assuring dope,
Wishing desperately for an altruistic Casper,
But..Hope's a good breakfast, a bad supper..

Living in a labyrinth of eternal confusion,
Zombie by nature, numbed in profusion,
My soul's a blackened mirror as I see,
Reflecting a faceless stranger back to me.

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