Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I am eternally special

Since this is my first prose and owing to the lack of any constructive ideas in my stagnated brain, I decided to write about something that no one knows better than me – Myself. A single, one-word description about me is that I’m special.

I’ll just take a moment to pause and let all the smirks, snickers and frowns to gradually give way to that inescapable quality we human beings are naturally blessed with – curiosity.


Okay, now that I have your attention, I’ll resume. Before you have any preconceived notions about having to see some PJs about me being special because of my name (which, by the way, is not unique. A google search resulted in at least 4 people with my name) or PAN ID or even my college roll number. Neither has the conclusion about the title of this post resulted from an arrogance or high-handedness from my end. I have reached the conclusion from a simple application of an often found complex mathematical concept called probability.

I decided to take some common aspects of life and see how I fit in there before calculating the probability of other people in the world with the same fit. So here are my reasons for my inevitable conclusion:
·         I am an Indian
·         I have spent roughly 84% of my life in a post-liberalized India.
·         I have studied in 9 schools across India, including my current one
·         I am a vegetarian
·         My music interests include both Pink Floyd and Mukesh.
·         I have seen both Mulholland Drive (arguably one of the most complex movies ever made) and Marigold (arguably one of the dumbest movies ever made. Actually, inarguably)
·         My favorite cricketer happens to be Rahul Dravid (not Sachin Tendulkar!) and my favorite tennis player happens to be Nadal (not Federer!)
·         I do not follow the English Premier League (err…EPL, you don’t say the full name)
·         I have spent more time in trains than in flights and cars put together
·         My only visit outside India has been Sri Lanka
·         I still owned a desktop when I turned 25
·         My desktop was cheaper than my speakers
·         At no point in my life, did I own more than 3 wearable jeans
·         At no point in my life, has my weight crossed 70
·         I have read both the Famous Five series and War and Peace
·         I have had more accidents than the number of vehicles I have owned
·         On a side note, I do not have a driver’s license
·         I have had the fortune of working on both Logo as well as Flex
·         I have had the good fortune of seeing Tehqiqaat and Chandrakanta, as well as the misfortune of seeing CID and MTV Roadies
·         My favorite actor is Paresh Rawal (SRK’s not even close!)

A rough estimation of the gross probabilities of people having the same fit comes to around 0.00000000002, which translates to 1 in 50 billion people. The current world population is a little more than 7 billion. So for me to lose my special stature, would require 100 billion people, roughly 14 times the current world population. With the current growth and death rates, it would take another 3875 years before that’s possible (assuming Earth can sustain the weight of 100 billion people).

Therefore, I can safely assume I am eternally special!